119034, Russia, Moscow, Sechenovskiy Lane, 7А
m. Park Kultury - 600 m. (7 minutes walking). We recommend to go along the left side of the Ostozhenka street, turn to the 5th lane (Sechenovsky lane) and enter the arch of the house number 7.
m. Kropotkinskaya - 700 m. (10-13 minutes walking). You can go along the left side of the street "Prechistenka", turn to the 4th lane (Sechenovsky) and on the right side go into the arch of the house number 7.
Dimensions of the arch: length 4.7 meters, width 2.7 meters.
For drivers: The hotel has its own secure parking for eight seats. Please warn about the presence of a car in advance! Sechenovskiy lane is one-way traffic, so the rotation is only possible with the Ostozhenka. Be careful!